Does anyone ever get to a point in their day where they just need a favorite spot? A place in the house where you can curl up with a good book, a favorite podcast or Netflix? But a place that isn’t your bed, because maybe sometimes it’s the middle of the day or you just need to hide from your kids for a few minutes and being in your bed feels…too far, a place of no return! I feel pretty confident in saying we could all use a place like that in our homes after being home so much with our families the last year! We love them, but it’s also good to have our own space from time to time! So I’m sharing my step by step process to creating a cozy corner!
Step 1:
Find a comfortable chair with a timeless design and think about how you want to use your space. Maybe you want a big enough chair to fit you and your little ones so they can crawl up in your lap to read a book, or maybe you want to only be there alone so you find a one person only chair that is fit for only you 😉. Or you could want to rock, swivel or swing! Whatever you choose, just make it’s comfortable and blends with the style of your home.
1. Marlyne Leather Chair // 2. Dracut Armchair // 3. Decker Wingback Chair // 4. Penn Chair // 5. Vernon Upholstered Barrel Accent Chair // 6. Auburn Club Chair
Step 2:
Choose a light source! If your corner is more like a nook, maybe a wall sconce is best to save space. And if your space seems to be lacking any vertical elements or larger furniture pieces nearby, that could be a perfect spot for a floor lamp. And of course, a table lamp is a tried and true go to and a great place to add shape and texture to the space.
Vergennes 1 Light Table Lamp // 2. Denali 29" Tall Buffet Table Lamp // 3. Possini Euro Swing // 4. Jane 14" // 5. Traditional Swing Arm // 6. Miles Tripod
Step 3:
Find something to act as a table. Not every space needs an actual side table. Small stools work great to hold a few coasters and a cup or glass. But if you have the space, you can incorporate another shape and style to blend into your vignette. If you’re using a table lamp you will want a large enough table to not feel too crowded. You can also use the extra space for a vase of flowers or stems and a few books. Or maybe even your stash of chocolates!
With these steps, you can easily create a cozy spot that brings you moments of joy and maybe a few minutes of sanity!